How Exercise Affects Milk Supply (and other breastfeeding tips)

I love breastfeeding. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you probably know that. That said, nursing definitely comes with it’s own challenges. As I savor my final months of breastfeeding Liam, I thought I’d share with you my own experiences and tipsĀ on exercise, clogged ducts, nursing in public and dealing with “the gawkers,” when it comes to nursing.

Check out this video from my What You Love Who You Love series. I’d love to hear what you think or any questions or comments you may have. Ā Feel free to leave them in the section below (or below the video). Subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss an episode. Ā I release a new one every Wednesday.

2 thoughts on “How Exercise Affects Milk Supply (and other breastfeeding tips)

  1. Just stopped nursing:(. So sad… I did gain weight while weaning… Good to know that it is not only me… Now onto getting myself back after bleeding pregnant or nursing for 5 years!

    1. I hear you, Julie. As I speak, Liam is starting to wean himself. Nursing is for sure one of the best things ever – truly a privilege. That said, I feel like when you are done you can truly get back to being yourself. Crazy, right? Now it’s time for you – stay committed. You can do this.

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