(This post was sponsored by Motif Medical. All opinions are my own.)
Let’s face it – pumping can be a real you-know-what. In fact, I really dread doing it, but the reality is that pumping equals freedom, and for many moms pumping is a necessity. For me it means I can get work done without rushing back to feed the baby or go out for a date with my husband or older kids. Why do you pump?
The good news is there are many ways you can make pumping a quicker, more efficient, more comfortable, more affordable and more enjoyable experience. You just need the right information and the right pump. Here are 5 ways you can make pumping better:
1. Pump MORE Milk in LESS Time
Isn’t this the most annoying part? It takes sooooooo long to pump what feels like nothing. I’ve recently started using the Motif Luna breast pump, and I have to agree with it’s advertisement of being “sleek on the outside with hospital-strength suction on the inside.” There’s no suction quiet like a hospital-strength pump, and the Motif Luna pumps more milk in less time. Moreover, it’s also “comfortable” at the highest setting for a faster let-down. I say “comfortable” because it initially does take some getting used to, but no more than breastfeeding itself does. Pumping more milk in less time not only means less time you have to be hooked up to a machine but also means less time people are waiting around for you to pump, whether that’s your co-workers or your family. Cue husband: “C’mon we have to go!” Me: “Hold on, I’m just finishing pumping.”
2. Pump While You Breastfeed
I often forget about this, which is also why I’ve ended up with clogged ducts. With many pumps, like the Motif Luna, there is a single or double pumping option. This means you could have the baby on one breast and be pumping the other. This not only makes pumping more efficient but also a great way to see how much milk your baby is getting, as well as fight off mastitis. What I really love about the Luna, that I haven’t seen on other pumps, is the backlit LCD screen which makes it easy to see in the dark, in case you’re doing some late night pumping, and if your baby happens to be sleeping the Luna’s motor is so quiet it won’t wake your baby.

3. Pump in Comfort
I’m a big fan of wearing compression garments in postpartum recovery because they help rebuild a strong core, maintain good posture during the long nights and days of parenting, and provide the support many women need as they resume their daily activities. However, I often hear new moms complain about the discomfort of some postpartum recovery support garments, especially when they are sitting and nursing. The Motif Postpartum Recovery Support Garment is unique because because rather than wrapping around the belly, you step into it and pull it up like overalls. It’s more of full body piece that covers the legs. It can reduce postpartum bleeding, swelling, aches, pains, and increase comfort to help you get back on your feet and back to your everyday activities, not to mention shaping and firming your postpartum belly, hips, waist, pelvis, and lower back and provide gentle compression to prevent swelling or puffiness in the legs. Think Spanx with more compression. By using a postpartum garment, you’re aiding your body in the work of postpartum recovery and giving yourself a head start to feeling more confident in your new mom life.
4. Pumping can be free.
Yes, as a first time mom I had no idea but most insurance companies will cover the cost of a breast pump. You know what’s even better? Many of them will even cover a new one for each child you have (as my labor and delivery nurse shared with me this time around). The Affordable Care Act now requires health insurance plans to cover breastfeeding supplies and support. Depending on which insurance you have, different types of equipment and benefits may be offered. They might even cover the use of a belly band or a postpartum recovery support garment, like Motif Postpartum Recovery Support Garments which are FDA-listed medical devices to aid in healing and help recovery by stabilizing joints, reducing pain, and increasing mobility. If you want to see which brands your insurance covers, you can check the Motif Insurance Locator to see which products are included by your provider.
5. Pumping can be something you look forward to.
I know this probably sounds crazy, but pumping can actually be relaxing if you let it be. Pick a show you’ve been dying to watch, a podcast you’ve heard is hilarious, or a book you’ve read amazing reviews about. I know I barely have any time in my week for any of the above, but pumping makes time for that. So instead of getting out your to-do list or working, next time you pump relax a little and do something fun while you’re pumping nourishing milk for your baby.
Congrats Mama! We’re in this together . . . I hope some of these tips will help make pumping an overall better experience for you.