5 Tips for Fitting in a Workout

While juggling all-the-things, it can be tricky to find time to workout. I have a few ideas that may help and while all the tips might now work for you right now, I am hoping you can find at least a few that will work for your current season of life. And by the way, if you have some tricks of your own, please share in the comments. This mom, for one, wants to know!

1. Get Your Workout in as Early as Possible

ā€œA day can really slip by when you’re deliberately avoiding what you’re supposed to do.ā€ -Bill Watterson

Who me? Never! šŸ˜‰ I know that waking up early is hard. The bed is cozy and sleep is a very inviting friend but if you plan ahead, on those busier weeks, it may be your only shot at fitting in some exercise.

Now, if you’re in a situation, where you don’t have to get up early (You don’t have an office to get to or kids to get to school.), I still encourage you to get your workout in earlier in the day. The hours fly by and before you know it deadlines, dinner prep, and fatigue all set in.

2. Put your workout clothes on first thing in the morning (and don’t take them off until you’ve worked out).Ā 

Again, this may not be something you can do during the week, so at least try it over the weekend. Thank goodness athleisure is a trend right now. I have plenty of friends who look like they are dressed for a workout and rarely go. For me though, it’s a way of holding myself accountable. I tell myself I can’t take my leggings off until I’ve worked out, and yes, there are plenty of days where I go up to bed still dressed in my athleisure and never broke a sweat. However, 70-80% of the time it does the trick because even if I only have a 15 minute chunk of time, I can get to quick sweat sesh in without worrying about changing my clothes first.

3. Shorter workouts are okay (and sometimes even better).

Once you become a mom, the workouts inevitably change. I found after having Landon, my first, that I could still workout often but I had less time to do so. That is why I created my Sweat Unlimited workout program, so I had something no matter how much time I had in the day. (The program has 5, 15, 30, & 45 minutes workout options.) If you want a little taste of the program, you can go HERE to download the 5 minute workout for FREE.

Here’s the caveat: When you have less time, you have to push yourself MORE! Yes, I know – maybe not what you wanted to hear, but seriously, wouldn’t you rather just get it over with? By pushing yourself to lift heavier weights or go breathless during your workouts (unless you are pregnant), you’ll burn more calories in a shorter period of time. Plus, when I have less time, I even feel more focused because I know I have to get in and get out!

4. Fit it in when you can.

“Something is always better than nothing.” – This is my fitness philosophy. I say this often because it is so true. If you cannot find time in the day to dedicate specifically for a workout then workout throughout your day. I have free workout videos for kitchen workouts, bath tub workouts, bedtime stretch routines, and more. Sneaking in a couple lunges while vacuuming or a push up here and there while playing on the floor with the baby, is way better than nothing! I doubt you’ll ever go to bed saying, “Oh, I really wish I hadn’t done those 20 squats today,” but I bet you might go to bed saying, “I really wish I had moved my body more today.”Ā 

5. Make a priority list.

This one is hard because it requires you to be super honest with yourself. I challenge you to sit down and create a priority list of the top 5-10 things in your life. If fitness isn’t coming in high, that might be playing a big role in why you haven’t been fitting it in. When I did this exercise, I realized that I am not in a season of life where working out even makes it into my top five. And that’s okay because I know it’s just for now. I love to move my body and making this list helped me recognize that moving my body is best done when I can do so with my family.

For more details on all of these ideas, especially about making a priority list, you may want to watch the video below.

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