To Bunk or Not To Bunk?

This might sound like a funny topic for a blog, but whenever I mention that the boys have bunk beds, I instantly get asked how it’s working out . . . and here’s my answer “for now.” (P.S. I had a leader of a mom’s group who always said to add “for now” onto anything…

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Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves

You wouldn’t believe how often I get messaged about my favorite baby registry picks . . . so finally after three babies I’ve create a list of my top 10 baby registry essentials. By the way, for what it’s worth, I totally get why the baby registry process can be so overwhelming. I remember when…

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8 Fun Things I LOVE About Landon

8 years ago today, Landon John made me a mother. So today, I celebrate him and the interesting and wonderful boy he has become. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know I (try) to do this once a year for my kids on their birthday. Since I’m not super great about…

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The Juggle Is Real (so let’s talk about it)

Do you want to hear me get real about mom guilt, juggling motherhood with entrepreneurship, hitting my own personal “rock bottom, ” and how I got through it? I had the pleasure of recently being interviewed on fellow pre/postnatal exercise specialist Erica Ziel‘s “Core Connections” podcast. Erica and I have become friends over the years,…

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3 Ways To Improve Your Kegels

If you’re not familiar with kegels, including how and why you should be doing them, you’ll want to visit my previous blog post HERE. This post addresses the next step – how to improve your kegels and work towards your strongest pelvic floor yet! Video is below with visuals. 1.Ā Consult a Pelvic Floor Specialist Check…

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6 Reasons I Miss Breastfeeding

I am about to end my breastfeeding journey with Kiera and it’s been harder for me to wean her than it was the boys. What hasn’t differed, though, is what I love about breastfeeding. August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month and this week is World Breastfeeding Week. A few years back (when I had just finished…

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My Favorite Thing About Kiera

If I’m completely honest, I’ve been postponing this blog and picking my ONE favorite thing about Kiera. I was telling myself it was because we were on vacation, and I just didn’t have the time to write, but the reality is I have no idea how to pick just one thing! If you had to…

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