What Does Being “Healthy” Mean To You?

Today is World Health Day 2017 . . . and it got me thinking about what being healthy really means to me. It has definitely changed since becoming a mom, especially a mom of two. Why? Because honestly, it just became that much harder to focus on my own health. 5 health priorities – if one of these is out of whack than I just don’t feel my healthiest. Would love to hear if your definition of health is similar. Let me know in the comments below. Also, make sure you follow the link to the awesome giveaway I’m doing with the brands I’ve mentioned below.

I made a list of my top 5 health priorities (You should try it too!) If one of these is out of whack than I just don’t feel my healthiest. Would love to hear if your definition of health is similar. Let me know in the comments below. Also, follow the link at the bottom of this post to the awesome giveaway I’m doing with some of my favorite healthy brands.

1. Drinking Enough Water

Whenever I get asked about my #1 health and diet tips, I always say water. So often when you think you are hungry you are actually dehydrated! Water not only flushes out toxins, improve skin complexion, keeps you regular, boosts your immune system, and prevents cramps and strains, but it can really help prevent you from packing on extra pounds.

The biggest problem is that water can get boring quick, which is why I’m so glad I found Hint Water 7 years ago (Yes, I’ve been drinking Hint since before kids!). The literal hint of flavor with no added sugars or preservatives is enough to keep things interesting, especially since they also have Hint Fizz (carbonated water) as well.

If you want to give Hint a try, their Kick & Hydrate Bundle (where you’ll also receive my Sweat UNLIMITED DVD) is a great way to try it out. At the bottom of the post, you can also enter a GIVEAWAY to win a free Hint variety pack, among other things.

2. Eating Healthy Food (especially snacks)

I have a snacking problem . . . I really do. So, I HAVE to make sure that my snacks are healthy. Of course, meals are essential too, but I’m on the go so much with the kids that I ALWAYS have snacks with me. I’ve realized that the key to choosing my snacks is to make them sustainable so I don’t continue to snack.

It’s part of the reason, I LOVE mason jars. They are so easy to take with you, they are re-useable, and you can control your portion size depending on the size of your mason jar. Check out some of my favorite mason jar recipes HERE.

I’ve also become a huge fan of Graze snack boxes. I get a box anywhere from 1-3 times a month. You can curate them yourself by choosing which kinds of snacks you like the best (salty, sweet, low-carb, protein-filled, etc). The best part is the portions. I NEVER feel like I’m overindulging, yet I still feel satisfied. You can check them out HERE and use code SARAB7Q3P. For the GIVEAWAY, Graze has generously donated a full month of boxes (one a week for 4 weeks). See below to enter.


3. Exercising Regularly

I’m sure you’re not surprised this is on my list, although it’s probably the one that’s changed the most since becoming a mom. Pre-kids exercising regularly meant at least 6 days a week for an hour. Ha. Now, this means moving my body more quickly at some point during the day. LOL but really my exercise goals are now to work out for at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. If I get in 5 days I pat myself on the back, and if those sessions get anywhere close to an hour, I consider myself a complete rockstar.

Because I know how tricky this is for everyone, especially moms, I have workout programs for every stage of motherhood. The GIVEAWAY winner will get to choose one. If by chance, you have ALL of my workout programs and win, I will gift you with another of my favorite workouts.


4. Getting Enough Sleep

Okay, so this one is huge and my biggest struggle. Can you relate? The bottom line, though, is that sleep can literally make or break everything else. Even if you’re hydrated, eating well, and exercising, if you don’t get enough sleep then you will still feel like s***. Am I right? Sleep is like everything else – you have to find what works for you. Some of us feel amazing on 6-7 hours and others need more. Would love to hear in the comments what your sleep goals are.

Essential oils have been a huge game changer this past year for me, beginning with improving my morning sickness. My friend and essential oil expert, Amy Wiggins, shared with me her secret sleep weapon: Serenity. Serenity is a restful blend that helps to promote relaxation and restful sleep. It lessens feelings of tension, calms anxious feelings or emotions, and soothes the mind and the senses. Serenity will promote feelings of calmness after 30 seconds and service your entire body within 10 minutes of application. AMAZING! Serenity consists of all calming oils including Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Hawaiian Sandalwood. I don’t know about you but this sounds like useful essential oil for more than just sleep! Amy has generously offered a 15 ml bottle of Serenity as part of my World Health GIVEAWAY.


5. Being Present 

This is also something that has changed a lot for me due to motherhood and moreover, due to social media. We have sooo many distractions in our life. I feel so out of balance and unhealthy when my mind is everywhere. Whether that means I’m with my boys and my mind keeps wandering to work or I’m working on a project and my mind is thinking about all of the household items I still have to get done. Sound familiar?

Being present is EVERYTHING. My friend, mentor, and now author Rebekah “Bex” Boruki, is an expert at this. She just released her new book – You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life that has simple 4-minute meditations to help you become more present. If mediation is something you’ve always wanted to try this is the perfect book to help you begin. Bex is relatable, inspirational, and knowledgeable. A big thanks for her donation of a copy of this book for the GIVEAWAY below.

So just to recap for the GIVEAWAY you will receive:

  1. A HINT Variety Pack
  2. 4 weeks of Graze Box
  3. A Sara Haley Workout DVD Program
  4. A 15 ml bottle of the Essential Oil Serenity
  5. A copy of Rebekah Boruki’s You Have 4 Minutes To Change Your Life

To enter go HERE. Leave your definition of healthy, share with 2 friends and follow EVERYONE involved in the giveaway.



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