Introducing the Barefoot Queen plus Another Awesome Giveaway

Valentine’s Day might be over but my Things I Love By People I Love giveaways are not. This week I couldn’t be more excited to introduce to you my good friend Stacey Lei Krauss, the creator of the original barefoot training method, willPower & graceĀ®. If you’ve known me for a while, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Sara, didn’t you teach that class?” And yes, I did! That’s of course how I met Stacey Lei Krauss, or better known among her peers as SLK.

Stacey Lei Krauss
Stacey Lei Krauss

I first took willPower & graceĀ®Ā when I was living in Ā NYC and immediately fell in love with it. At that time, there were no other cardio sculpt classes offered barefoot. As a dancer and barefoot groupie (I’m pretty much barefoot whenever I can be), I loved being able to feel the floor as I performed willPower’s smart functional exercises (think squats, lunges, planks, pushups). Plus the musical component of willPower, combined with the motivational cues, encouraged me to push myself, and at times, left me in tears. Makes you want to try the class, right? Don’t worry, SLK is donating the workout on DVD as part of the giveaway!

The best way to describe SLK is a pint-sized rock star. Like all the women I’ve introduced you to during these giveaways, SLK is a woman who has charisma oozing from her. She is brilliant at what she does (She’s been a Nike Elite Instructor and the Lead Fitness Advisor for Vibram Five Fingers), and she if full of passion for what she believes in (Barefoot training can heal the body!) and compassion for whom she teaches, as her method caters to many special populations. willPower & graceĀ® is amazing for seniors, injury rehabilitation and pregnancy!

Here’s what SLK had to say when I asked her about what and who she loves:

1. WHAT do you love? Ā TRAVEL! Many years ago, I determined that my goal in life would beĀ ā€œTo travel and teachā€ – and that was so that I could see the world, while giving back. Ā Iā€™ve been diligent to work towards this goal, and am on my path –Ā exploring 14 different countries in the past 5 years, while teaching The willPower MethodĀ® to instructors. This love comes with challenges, though. Everything about international travel (when not on a cushy vacation) pushes me outside my comfort zone.

Finding my way around through a foreign land though language, customs and currency – choosing food wisely, getting enough sleep and connecting with people in a meaningful way. All of these things make my heart thump! (LOVE!)Ā 

So – I think that whatever, and whomever you LOVE, you must work at. Itā€™s not just a given – it doesnā€™t justĀ exist. Love gets what love gives. Ā 

2. WHO do you love? Ā My mostĀ favourite people are now scattered around the world – probably because I am at such a vulnerable place when we connect. Ā  I love myĀ dear #fitfam in Italy, Spain, England, Turkey, India. I love my funny smartĀ BFFs scattered across the US: CA, AZ, GA, NY, FL. Ā I love thoseĀ friends in my city (Denver) who donā€™t forget to put me on theĀ guest listĀ even though they assume I wonā€™t be in town, thoseĀ who understand that our fleeting connection is precious to me.

Most of all, I love my little dog, Foxy Brown, who has become my best friend, my side-kick and the source of never ending cuddles.

3. What have you found are the best ways to balance WHAT you love with WHO You Love? Ā Well, Iā€™ve learned a very important lesson. Communication is not enough – connection is where its at.Ā Technology ROCKS – and to stay connected itā€™s notĀ enough to send a Facebook note or an email. Iā€™mĀ learning to makeĀ regular appointments through Sykpe andĀ FaceTime. My family is now in the habit of inviting me to events on the east coast even if they know that I cannot physically attend, Now I can join the party, even if itā€™s only for five minutes. Little nieces and nephews need to see Aunt Staceyā€™s faceā€¦ I want to look into my momā€™s eyes when I blow her a kiss.Ā  Thereā€™s nothing better than having a wine date with my friend in Foligno, or sharing a good cry with my bestie in Whales.

And my Foxy Brownā€¦Ā  she travels everywhere I can take her. She really had no idea how good she had it when she had her morning walk at The Colliseum!

SLK & Foxy Brown at the Collesium

Big thanks to Stacey for her contribution to the giveaway: a copy of willPower & grace on DVD & a “Get It Done” tank (and I’m going to throw in a copy of my Sweat UNLIMITED DVD too). Enter NOW. willPower & graceĀ® is a great addition to your weekly workouts, with options for all levels of fitness and the tank is a great reminder of what willPower is all about! You can check out more of her cool gear in the willPower Method SHOP. Enter to win this giveaway HERE.GET-IT_TANK_FRONT


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