Happy February! Ā Whenever I think of February I think of LOVE, donā€™t you? Thatā€™s why this month Iā€™m sharing with you THINGS I Love By PEOPLE I Love. Let me explain . . .

One of my goals in 2016 is to share MORE with all of you. I started off in January with the #SayNOToCrunches Challenge, which has definitely allowed me to share MORE with all of you, largely due to the private Facebook accountability group. I’ve been able to connect with so many more of you one on one. (If this is something you want to be a part of just go to to sign up and find out more.)

Part of my desire to share MORE with you is because I’ve realized, especially since becoming a mom, that Iā€™m just someone that wants MORE. Ā My Expecting MOREĀ® pre and postnatal programs are all about expecting MORE out of your pregnancy and post-recovery workouts, but Iā€™ve realized my “MORE” desires include so much MORE than just fitness. I want MORE from not only my workouts, but from my food, my work, my passions, my relationships . . . my life.Ā Life is too short. I’m assuming, if you’re still reading this, you feel the same way too.

Over the years, Iā€™ve surrounded myself with and learned from some super amazing PEOPLE in the wellness industry Ā – people who Iā€™ve grown to love, for who they are and what they do. Some have been mentors, some have been co-workers, but all of them I consider friends. And now I want to share them with you. And guess what? Ā Theyā€™ve even agreed to share with you some of the awesome products theyā€™ve created – THINGS I love.

So each week in February, Iā€™ll be sharing with you different people – what they do and what they offer the world. Ā Iā€™ll be featuring them each week on my blog and you can enter the giveaways on my Facebook Page HERE. If you want to make sure you donā€™t miss the giveaways, youā€™ll need to click on where you Liked my page and you should see an option to ā€œSee First,ā€ where you can move my posts up higher in your feed. Make sense? I donā€™t want you to miss out on these amazing opportunities! Ā Share the love this month and tell all your friends too!


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