Meet My Friend From the Biggest Loser (and my Final Giveaway)

Many of you probably recognize him as one of the trainers fromĀ Season 11 of The Biggest Loser, but he’s so much more than that. He’s one of the most dedicated and passionate trainers I know and frankly, just an all-around loving and down-to-earth guy. Since moving to Santa Monica, I’ve had the pleasure to befriend and get to know the one and only Brett Hoebel.

Brett Hoebel
Brett Hoebel

And guess what? Brett’s giving away one of his newest DVDs, the 20 Minute Body, as part of the final week of my Things I Love by People I Love Giveaways.Ā You have all week to enter the giveaway. Go HERE and you’ll have a chance to win his DVD, as well as a copy of my Sweat UNLIMITED DVD.DVD-image-300x300

1. WHAT do you love? Ā Being able to move my body through dance and capoeira to express what I’m feeling on the inside.Ā 

2. WHO do you love? Ā Myself first. I used to not.Ā 

3. What have you found are the best ways to balance WHAT you love with WHO You Love?

Stay off your phone.Ā 

Make sacrifices.



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