The Best Halloween Books

Books are a big part of our holiday traditions. We have boxes of books for almost every holiday. I’m sure it’s because I grew up with a librarian and preschool teacher as my mother, but books are such a special part of my holiday memories. I hope my own kids feel the same way one day.

So here is an updated list of our favorite Halloween books, all of which are available onĀ Amazon or hopefully at your local library (that’s where we discover most of ours).

1.Ā In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary StoriesĀ 

In a Dark, Dark, Room and Other Scary Stories had been on my list since Landon was a toddler.Ā  If you like ghost stories, you’ll probably recognize a few in this book! Ā These short versions are the perfect length for young children. Landon loved singingĀ “The Ghost of John,” demonstrated in the video.Ā  In case you don’t know how that poem/song goes, watch to see how we do it (By the way, that’s him tickling me at the end since I have “no skin on.”)

2. A Halloween Scare in CaliforniaĀ 

My sister sent us A Halloween Scare in California when Landon was little and remains one of our favorites. Everything in the book is relatable and recognizable to where we live, from the dinosaur munching the Hollywood sign to surfing zombies. They make them for several other states; I recommend checking to see if yours is available.

3. Duck & Goose: Honk! Quack! Boo!

Liam (who’s 4-years-old) is obsessed with the Duck & Goose books. They are about the adventures of two best friends (Duck & Goose), and Duck & Goose: Honk! Quack! Boo! is such a sweet book for Halloween time. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you’ll just have to trust me that your little trick-or-treaters will love it.


4. The Teeny Tiny Ghost

I’m partial to this one because my mother is a professional storyteller, and this is one of the stories she performs in her Halloween Program. If your kids are afraid of Halloween creatures (or anything really), The Teeny Tiny Ghost may be helpful. It tells the story of a little ghost who overcomes his own fears.

5. Big Pumpkin

Big Pumpkin is my personal favorite – mostly because I love doing all the voices of the different characters, but really because of the themes of teamwork and not underestimating the power of anyone. I highly recommend it if you like stories that send good underlying messages.

6. The Wiggles Wiggly HalloweenĀ 


This isn’t a book; it’s a music album (Think of it as your bonus.) We checked out our copy at the library 5 years ago, and it went missing, so now we own it.Ā I never thought I’d be a fan of The Wiggles, but the tunes are catchy and hilarious.Ā Ā “Little Vampire” and “Zombie Feet” are at the top of the playlist. It’s a must for every Halloween fan with a sense of humor.

What are some of your favorite Halloween books? Please share with this Halloween fanatic.

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