8 Fun Things I LOVE About Landon

8 years ago today, Landon John made me a mother. So today, I celebrate him and the interesting and wonderful boy he has become. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know I (try) to do this once a year for my kids on their birthday. Since I’m not super great about…

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The Best Halloween Books

Books are a big part of our holiday traditions. We have boxes of books for almost every holiday. I’m sure it’s because I grew up with a librarian and preschool teacher as my mother, but books are such a special part of my holiday memories. I hope my own kids feel the same way one…

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My Birth Stories

Yes, I have my birth story for you! Thanks to the many of you who asked for it and encouraged me to do it. Since most of you requested I do it via video, that’s what I did. The reason I didn’t do it right away, among obvious reasons (actually having the baby), is that…

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6 Things I LOVE Most About Landon

I had promised myself I would write a blog post like this on each of my son’s birthdays, however, I’ve been about as consistent about doing this as I have been about writing in their baby books. So far I’ve done it once for Landon when he turned 4 and once for Liam when he…

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A Few of My Favorite Things . . . about Landon

On Saturday, March 21, 2015 I will officially be the mother of a four-year-old.Ā I have no idea how this happened, or rather, how this happened so fast. Ā Though sadly, it meansĀ I’m also 4 years older,Ā ironically,Ā this amazing human being has made me feel younger in so many ways. Perhaps it’s because I’m happier than I’ve ever…

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