Do You Need to Pump & Dump?

I shared on Instagram earlier this week a post about the realities of attempting date night 3 weeks postpartum.

Many of you cheered me on and voted it a definite win! In fact, I received several comments about how you hoped you would do the same in your next postnatal recovery, including questions about whether I pumped and dumped that night. Some of you saw my answer and followed up by direct messaging me and asked me to send you information I had on pumping and dumping. Below are a few reputable organizations with links to the articles sharing their expertise.

The LaLeche League is an international nonprofit advocacy group that is known for its expertise and promotion of breastfeeding. In this article, the league points out the fact that mothers are receiving conflicting information on the topic of breastfeeding and alcohol consumption and shares some great ways to decide whether to pump and dump, like your baby’s age, the mother’s size, and alcohol and food consumption.

Dr. Jack Newman MD, FRCPC, a member of La Leche League International’s Health Advisory Council says: “Reasonable alcohol intake should not be discouraged at all . . . very little alcohol comes out in the milk. The mother can take in some alcohol and continue breastfeeding as she normally does. Prohibiting alcohol is another way we make life unnecessarily restriction for nursing mothers.” Read more HERE.

Here are a few other articles having similar discussions:  – a physician-driven resource where expecting and new parents can interact directly with doctors and healthcare experts and get information they can trust – a website developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting – daily magazine on the web offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture.

I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts. Did you (or do you plan to) breastfeed? Did you pump and dump?

**Information is provided for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for an in-person evaluation by a qualified, independent International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) or your health care provider.

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