Happy Guacamole Day! It seems like everything has it’s own special day now, doesn’t it? So why not, guacamole? It’s super delicious, super nutritious, and super easy to make!
My 3-year-old LOVES guacamole, as long as there are no tomatoes in it, which means guacamole at restaurants is not always his favorite. As a result, we make our own at home, which is pretty fun for kids as well!
So on this day of celebration for guacomole, here is our Super Easy Guacomole recipe:
2 avocados pitted, sliced & mashed
1 lime juiced
Salt & pepper to taste
Mash it, mix it and eat it with your favorite chips, pretzels, or veggies!
P.S. It makes it more fun for the kids if you have a masher for them to use!