Homemade Healthy Popsicles for Even the Pickiest Eaters

Jenn Baker is back and sharing her DIY recipe for popsicles, or as she calls them – Ice Pops.

Summertime is almost here and every grocery trip we make includes two kids begging for ice pops (That’s what we call popsicles in Ohio). Can you relate? My kids are 5 and 2, and in our home, I try to keep processed foods and chemical ingredients to a minimum. Since I enjoy making food from scratch, ice pops are an easy request to fill and hey, who doesn’t enjoy supermom status for a few minutes? I made these banana blueberry mango fruit pops after the kids went to bed because neither one are good at waiting for things. My youngest, David, was my inspiration for these fruit pops. He won’t eat many fruits or smoothies so this was my way of trying to get fruit into him and it worked! #momwin The options are endless (much like with smoothies), you can try any fruit or veggie combination, and they couldn’t be easier!

My Kids Enjoying Banana-Blueberry-Mango Ice Pops


Here are 2 of my favorite combinations:

Option 1: 1 ripe banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 slices of mango, 2-5 TBS water (or enough water to liquify everything)

Option 2: 6 medium strawberries, 1 ripe banana, 2-5 TBS water (or enough water to liquify everything)

Blend well, pour into molds, freeze, and enjoy!

The ice pop molds I have on hand are pretty small so you may need to double the recipe to fill larger molds.

My ice pop molds filled with strawberries and banana

We will definitely be enjoying these all summer long. They are fresh, healthy, and delicious which keeps the kids happy & this mama too! What are your go-to healthy summer treats?

Jenn Baker is a Midwest mom of two with #3 on the way. Jenn enjoys healthy cooking, hiking, and growing organic food at home.

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