Get Open for Self-Care

If you haven’t been stretching lately, you are not alone. Even if we are actually fitting a workout into our busy schedules, more often than not, most of usĀ trade working on our flexibility for burning more calories.Ā  Remind yourself how open and free your body (and sometimes your mind too) feels after a great stretch session, and make a new goal to get in at least 15 minutes of stretching in two times a week.

1.Ā Bedtime Stretch Routine

I can’t think of a better time to stretch then when you get up in the morning or right before you go to bed. That’s why I created this bedtime stretch routine that you can literally do on your bed. I also talk about the importance of dynamic stretching. Take a watch and a stretch HERE.

2. Sweat Stretch

Need a quick stretch? This stretch is only 5 minutes long and covers your entire body. Get itĀ HEREĀ for only 99 cents.

3.Ā Stretch (with a towel)

Although I designed this stretch with postpartum moms in mind (lots of chest and back stretches for breastfeeding and picking up baby stuff), it’s a great one for everyone – probably my favorite stretch routine I’ve ever created. Why? Because the assistance of the towel is a game-changer. It allows you to stretch farther than you would on your own and feels oh-so-good. Check it outĀ HERE.








Do you make time to stretch? Why or why not?

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