So let’s talk about this blog post headline! I’m guessing it caught your interest because you are either an expecting mom, new or even veteran mom. We’ve all been there or will be there . . . you’ve just had the baby but yet you look like you’re still pregnant? (Can you relate? Let me know…

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Fall is here but it definitely doesn’t feel like it here in Santa Monica! Even though the leaves aren’t falling, I’m reminded of my favorite fall activities growing up in the midwest. I created these exercises when I was living in Chicago and pregnant with my oldest, Landon. Hence, my sister modeling all the exercises.…

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No, seriously, go outside and take a hike! Today, Tuesday, November 17th, is National Take a Hike Day, which is either about going for an invigorating walk or getting rid of someone who is no longer serving you in your life (and telling them to “get lost.”).  I actually think both are healthy options, so interpret as you…

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