Even Mommies Make Mistakes

My almost 4-year-old, Landon, and I read this book once about how “even Mommies make mistakes.” Landon thought it was hilarious and now loves calling me out when I make a mistake.Ā “Mommy, remember that time you made a mistake, and forgot to buckle me in?” “Yes, Landon, but that’s not really funny. It’s actually dangerous.”…

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30 Day #SayNoToCrunches – Week 4

Dun, dun,dun . . . Here it is: the final week of theĀ 30 Day #SayNoToCrunches Challenge! This final week is called “Finish on Your Forearms,” and I’m guessing it will probably feel like the hardest week yet. But have no fear! Ā JustĀ remember to take breaks when you need to, but DO NOT give up now…

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30 Day #SayNoToCrunches – Week 3

I can’t believe that we are officially half way through the 30 Day #SayNoToCrunches Challenge! Ā I don’t know about you, but Week 2 truly proved to be a challenge. Ā Between a crazy weekend and my kids getting sick this week, fitting it in was definitely a struggle for me. I missed one day over the…

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How To Get a Flat Belly in 2015

Isn’t this what everyone wants?? I know I do. šŸ™‚ As some of you know, my project at the end of 2014 was filming a postnatal workout program. Ā The focus of these workouts is to help moms regain their core strength and lose the baby weight, but these goals are not so specific to new…

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