If you’re obsessed with health and wellness like me, I’m sure you can’t help but receive notices everywhere for essential oils. I’ve had quite a few friends over the years who are super passionate about them, but I’ll be honest, I was skeptical. I did a giveaway with some and started using them and I loved the smells, but it wasn’t until I had some serious morning sickness with this pregnancy that I became a true fan. Fortunately my friend Amy Wiggins is an expert in essential oils and came to my rescue. When she told me about her upcoming webinar on transforming your pregnancy with essential oils, I couldn’t wait to share it with all of you. I also convinced her to share 5 Benefits to Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy. Take it away Amy!
Say Goodbye to Morning Sickness Many expecting mamas experience feelings of nausea and sometimes vomiting throughout their pregnancies. Although most women will only have morning sickness from the sixth week to the fifteenth week, some are stuck with it until the end of their pregnancy. Essential oils that help to diminish or eliminate these feelings during this time can also be used for many other things in your life and at home.
Sleep Better One day you are falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the day and the next you are up in the middle of the night thinking about the things you need to write on the grocery list. Sleep can be all over the place during pregnancy so it is best to have calming oils diffusing all night to help you fall and stay asleep.
- Stress Less Evidence suggests the outcome of a woman’s pregnancy and baby’s well-being is the direct result of the physical and mental wellness of the mom to be. The way you handle stress and release its negative effects has to do with the tools made available to you during those nine months.
Reduce Body Aches As your body adjusts to your expanding belly and hormonal changes, you may feel aches in your lower back, pelvis, buttocks and obliques (or anywhere for that matter). Having essential oil recipes at your fingertips makes your pregnancy that much more enjoyable.
- Stay Healthy There is nothing worse than getting sick when you’re pregnant. Fortunately, I found doTERRA when was 22 weeks pregnant and haven’t looked back since. “If you get sick, there isn’t much you can take while pregnant, but essential oils are effective for most aliments and perfectly safe in pregnancy” according to Stephanie Fritz a Licensed Midwife (LM) and Certified Professional Midwife (CPM).
Essential oils are the secret to an enjoyable pregnancy and I want to help inform you so that you can select the right oils with the best applications to attain the most favorable outcome. When you choose doTERRA, you are choosing essential oils that are 50-70% more powerful than herbs and carefully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world. Each doTERRA essential oil is also thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol which assures you of its purity, potency and effectiveness. No negative side effects or adverse reactions to essential oils will occur while using this brand because they are the purest in the world and your body knows exactly how to metabolize these plants.
On Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30 pm CST, I will be hosting Expecting – Transform Your Pregnancy with Essential Oils, which is the perfect webinar for any family who is currently (or soon to be) expecting. Your health is the most precious asset especially during pregnancy. Learn more and RSVP here: http://mamawigs.synduit.com/EPWE0001
Amy Wiggins is an active mother, wellness coach, fitness instructor, and entrepreneur. Known to her community as “Mama Wigs,” she thrives on teaching people to live an all-around healthy lifestyle.
After graduating in 2004 from Trinity Christian College with a Bachelors in Physical Education, Amy pursued her career as a physical education teacher. While pregnant with her second daughter, she became more and more infatuated with the healing properties of essential oils. This enthusiasm has stemmed into an ever growing home-based career in the field of health and wellness, aromatherapy, and healing with essential oils.
Amy currently resides in her dream home with her husband Tommy and two spunky girls, Alani and Jorja.