It’s Called Skin! (Why I’m Losing My Mind Over the Lady Gaga Critics . . .)

So I was trying to write a post on fun Valentine’s Day gifts for the hubby and kids (don’t worry – that’s still coming), but I can’t stop thinking about all the ridiculous posts about “Lady Gaga’s belly stealing the half time show” that have been popping up in my feed. I. Can’t. Handle. It.

Some people want to get off social media because of political rants. I can handle people speaking their political opinions. It’s body shaming (especially when it’s to someone that has a killer body) that makes me want to lose my mind. First of all, Lady Gaga was incredible at the Super Bowl. She sang her ass off, ran and jumped from platform to platform with the stamina of an athlete, shook and bounced with sexy strong legs (umm in heels) and by the way, her sales went through the roof after the Half Time show.  And yet people are still talking about her belly . . . seriously?

Maybe I’m more sensitive to this because I know her trainer and how awesome he is at what he does and how hard he trained her. Maybe it’s because, as a performer, I have so much respect for Lady Gaga’s body, strength, endurance, and composure. Maybe it’s because I know what it feels like to be body shamed and cyber-bullied (click HERE to see comments at the bottom of one of my first blogs on this site). Maybe it’s because if the top of her shorts had been an inch higher or lower no one would have ever noticed. Maybe it’s because what you’re looking at is called SKIN which you need to live a healthy life. Maybe because it does NOT matter.


6 thoughts on “It’s Called Skin! (Why I’m Losing My Mind Over the Lady Gaga Critics . . .)

  1. I’m with you! I was trying to rack my brain as to what they could possibly be body shaming her about. It’s completely unreal! I’m not her biggest fan but I think she represented herself very well. I hope she doesn’t listen to the negative comments.

  2. Her belly looks NORMAL! And I was so glad to see it! Really, her figure looked like the quintessential idea of beauty back in the 60’s or so.

  3. I’m so glad you wrote about this? I actually have a pooch and was always trying to get rid of it. I am a skinny girl with a pooch. It wasn’t until I had my baby girl that I realized I was fussing about nothing. Learning from you what it takes to get a six pack made me realize that what matters is being healthy.

    1. Thanks Mirley. I’m so flattered that’s what you learned from me. Ironically, I’ve had to learn that from myself as well. Yes, as many of the “lovers” (opposed to “haters”) wrote, it shows that Gaga doesn’t spend her life in the gym. To place your self-worth on a six-pack is a complete waste of time.

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