Category: Holidays
St. Patrick’s Day Fun

If you’re looking for some fun ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, you’ve come to the right place! I’m sharing our favorite ways to prepare for and celebrate one of my favorite holidays. Countdown Calendar Counting down the days until St. Patrick’s Day? I know we are! That’s why we do a St. Patrick’s Day countdown…
Sweat Like the Irish!

What? Sweat like a red-faced beer drinking Irish bloke? LOL That’s what you might picture when you picture the Irish but having grown up going to Irish festivals and entering Red-Haired Freckle Face contests (Yes, that really happened once. Thanks Mom.), I can tell you that those Irish steppers have some fierce bodies! Yes, you’ll…
Fun & Affordable Valentine Gifts (for the Hubby & Kids)

I LOVE holidays . . . I love decorating my house, sending cards, doing holiday crafts, creating holiday inspired workouts, and giving holiday gifts. However, I don’t like breaking the budget on any of these things. Since the gift giving part is often the hardest, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I thought…
How to Make Sure Your New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Suck

The New Year’s Resolution Controversy I feel like there has a become a New Year’s Resolution Controversy – people either love them or are completely turned off by the thought of them. Honestly, I think the problem comes from the word “resolution.” By definition (according to Merriam-Webster) is “something that is resolved” and “resolved” is defined as…
17 Swaps for 2017
Free Holiday Workout Downloadable & Video
My Favorite Holiday Treat

Fall is here but it definitely doesn’t feel like it here in Santa Monica! Even though the leaves aren’t falling, I’m reminded of my favorite fall activities growing up in the midwest. I created these exercises when I was living in Chicago and pregnant with my oldest, Landon. Hence, my sister modeling all the exercises.…
5 Simple Tips for Living EcoFriendly
Celebrating Earth Day reminds me of making New Year’s Resolutions. It comes around every year and we all think about the Earth for a few minutes and promise ourselves that we will try to do our part a little more or a little better. It’s really sad, isn’t it? I would really love if this year…