Get Writing For Self-Care

I can’t think of a better place to start with self-care than with a good old “journal.” Now bear with me, I’m not necessarily referring to a “Dear Diary” type of journaling (although that’s definitely an option). I’m talking about anything from making lists, writing in a notebook or in an app, blogging, creative writing,…

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My Favorite Products from 2017

So this is probably going to seem like the most random list of stuff, but most of the products I’ve been meaning to share with you for a long timeĀ  . . . stuff to make your life easier, better, and more fun. How did I come up with this list? Well, I was thinking…

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The Best Planners for Moms

WHY I MADE THE TRANSITION For years my husband used to harass me as I attended to my schedule on my smart phone (at one point I think it was the Palm Treo – remember that thing?).Ā “Stop messing around on your phone, and just write it down!”Ā he’d say in annoyance (also because he hates smart…

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