Keeping my kid(s) occupied, while making breakfast in the morning, can be a challenge to balance, especially when Mommy isn’t really awake yet. Yes, sometimes the easiest thing to do is to let him watch an episode of Sponge Bob while I get organized, but at least in my house, starting the day off with TV can potentially set us up for a disasterous day.
The best option I’ve found, to avoiding early morning breakdowns, is to get my son involved in the breakfast making, and I’ve found that one of the easiest things to make, with kids is smoothies. They get to throw all the ingredients in, turn on the blender, and watch it all be smashed together in a matter of minutes. Plus, it’s delicious and moreover, nutritious too! Also, as someone who is not great at exact measurements, (plus, with Landon, not everything always makes it into the blender) I love that I can pretty much just throw whatever in, without messing anything up.
So, here’s a fun and super yummy smoothie recipe that Landon, my three-year-old, and I threw together the other morning. I call this smoothie the Banana Green Mashup because it’s always some version of bananas, almond milk, usually blueberries if I have them, and whatever greens are in my fridge (hopefully always some mint because it’s my favorite). We added basil this time around because I happened to have it, but you could trade it out for kale, spinach, or collard greens – basically whatever greens you have available.
Enjoy! It’s a great way to start your day!
Serving size: 1 adult or 2 kids
1 handful of ice
1 handful of blueberries
1 banana
2 cups of almond milk
1 handful of mint & basil – about 3 stems each (or any other greens you love)
Put all ingredients in a blender or Vitamix. Blend until smooth. Serve in glass with straw, or it tastes awesome in a sippy cup!

thanks so much for sharing