Sara Haleyā€™s
#21DaysOfSquats Challenge

Looking for a better and stronger booty?

See and feel the results with 21 days of workouts targeting and toning your lower body.

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Squat for Strength and Stamina just in time for summer!

Letā€™s not forget to mention that youā€™ll:

  • Burn Calories
  • Tone Your Lower Body
  • Lose Weight
  • Feel Energized
  • Take Care of YOU!

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Hi! Iā€™m Sara Haley, founder of The Daily SweatĀ® workouts, creator of the bestselling and award-winning pre and postnatal workout series Expecting MOREĀ® and The 4th Trimester Workout, the all-inclusive Pregnancy Workout Essentials Collection, and a real mom trying to keep myself healthy so I can be there for my kids the best I can. Trust me, I get how hard it can be to find the time to work towards your fitness goals. I didnā€™t truly understand this before motherhood since I worked in fitness full time as a celebrity and Reebok Master Trainer. Now, as a mom of three (with number four on the way), who has chosen to put my family first, my dedication to exercise has been reprioritized. Challenges like this one have really made it easier for me to commit and see results. Not just because thereā€™s a plan, but because thereā€™s a team of women who have similar life circumstances, priorities, and goals who sign up and dedicate their time to working out right along side me. Iā€™m hoping that you too will join us this time around!

What others have to say:

Sara’s programs are easy to follow and fit into real life. I have yet to really find a program that compares. It is refreshing to have the support she offers in her private Facebook group because too often we can fall into failure mode when mom life takes over but the encouragement and accountability is so refreshing and needed.
Holly, mom to a toddler and social worker

Loved having Saraā€™s private Facebook Group for accountability and support! Ā I especially loved all the very ā€œmomā€ posts like ā€œyes, I got it done but I had a toddler climbing on my back or needed to make it into a game of peekabooā€ā€¦ Made me feel like Iā€™m not alone in these struggles! Ā I loved doing so many different exercises (including many that were new to me), and Iā€™ll be adding a lot of them to my normal workouts. Ā Another thing Iā€™ll take from this is just a reminder that even if I donā€™t have much time I CAN still fit in some sort of workout AND get results if Iā€™m consistent.
Kristin, mom of two and professor

Increasing lower body strength gives you a strong base of support for not only exercise but daily functional activities. A stronger body equals a healthier body and a healthier mind.

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When you sign up for this 21-day challenge, you will receiveā€¦

  • Downloadable Print Outs thatĀ you can print out (or save to your phone) to help you remember the exercises and keep track of your progress.
  • Access to my private Facebook group so you can connect with me directly, ask questions, and find encouragement from others who are going through the series. If you don’t use Facebook, you always have the option of keeping yourself accountable.
  • A full video to learn the proper technique and execution of each exercise.
  • Daily accountability through check-ins on the private Facebook Group where you can share your progress and struggles with all the participants.
  • Bonus links and resourcesĀ that I love for additional inspiration.

How the #21DaysofSquats Challenge Works

  1. Be sureĀ toĀ check your inboxĀ for your confirmation email.Ā This is very important.Ā If you donā€™t receive your confirmation shortly after registering, please contactĀ
  2. Get immediate access to the private Facebook group.Ā Join as soon as you can to start meeting your teammates. The more you participate in this group the more you will get out of it. Again, if Facebook isn’t your thing, you can still do the challenge. The group is simpley a bonus to help with accountability, which I’ve found extremely beneficial in completing the challenge successfully.
  3. Youā€™llĀ receiveĀ Printables and a Video.Ā You will receive an email with all the workouts in both printable and video form.

Strength and stamina can get you through a lot. This challenge isnā€™t just about squatting – itā€™s about committing to something.

What better way to STAY FIT OVER THE summer?

What if youĀ could feel stronger for you and those youĀ love?

What if you could have the butt and legs youā€™ve always wanted?

What if you could meet women who have the same trials, tribulations, and goals that you do?

What if you couldĀ change the way you look and the way you feel in just 21 days?


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