What Feels Good NOW Might Just Hurt You LATER

I’ll be honest . . . I almost don’t know where to start with this. Plus, it just feels a little weird to be writing about this since I’m such an advocate for working out during pregnancy. For so long, when someone would ask me about whether a certain exercise was okay for pregnancy, the majority…

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Exercises to Avoid Post-Pregnancy

So my two previous posts have been regarding Diastasis Recti – what it is, how to test yourself for it, and exercises that help in healing it. Although all of that is important, what is probably going to help you the most is knowing which exercises to refrain from post-pregnancy to not aggravate or cause…

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Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Yes, that means you!  I honestly believe that everyone should check themselves for a diastasis recti, but especially if you’ve had a baby. Your first question is probably “Diastasis what?”  The short version is that diastasis recti is when the tissue that holds your abdominals together stretches and thins too much so that the right…

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